ubproject.toml schema

Configuration for ubcode


  • extend ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The path to a configuration file to extend. Default: null.

  • needs: Refer to #/definitions/NeedsConfig. Default: {"external_needs": [], "extra_links": [], "extra_options": [], "id_from_title": false, "id_length": 5, "id_regex": "^[A-Z0-9_]{5,}", "id_required": false, "import_keys": {}, "statuses": [], "tags": [], "title_from_content": false, "title_optional": false, "types": [{"color": "#BFD8D2", "directive": "req", "prefix": "R_", "style": "node", "title": "Requirement"}, {"color": "#FEDCD2", "directive": "spec", "prefix": "S_", "style": "node", "title": "Specification"}, {"color": "#DF744A", "directive": "impl", "prefix": "I_", "style": "node", "title": "Implementation"}, {"color": "#DCB239", "directive": "test", "prefix": "T_", "style": "node", "title": "Test Case"}]}.

  • needs_json: Refer to #/definitions/NeedsJsonConfig. Default: {"path": "", "src": null}.

  • parse: Refer to #/definitions/ParseConfig. Default: {"extend_directives": {}, "extend_roles": {}, "ignore_directives": []}.

  • project: Refer to #/definitions/ProjectConfig. Default: {"description": "", "name": "", "srcdir": "", "version": ""}.

  • rst_lint: Refer to #/definitions/RstLintConfig. Default: {"ignore": []}.

  • scripts (object): A map of script names to command templates. Can contain additional properties. Default: {}.

  • source: Refer to #/definitions/SourceConfig. Default: {"exclude": [".bzr", ".direnv", ".eggs", ".git", ".git-rewrite", ".hg", ".svn", ".venv", ".vscode", "_build", "build", "dist", "node_modules", "site-packages"], "extend_exclude": [], "extend_include": [], "include": ["*.rst"], "respect_gitignore": true}.

  • virtual (boolean): Virtual configurations do not correspond to an actual project. They are used for providing shared configuration defaults, or for workspaces that are not themselves projects. Default: false.


  • AllowedStatus (object): Allowed need status.

    • description (string): The description of the status. Default: "".

    • name (string, required): The name of the status.

  • AllowedTag (object): Allowed need tag.

    • description (string): The description of the tag. Default: "".

    • name (string, required): The name of the tag.

  • DirectiveOptionSpec (object): Configuration to define a single directive option.

    • description (string): A short, human readable description of the option. Default: "".

    • flag (boolean): If True, the option is a flag, i.e. it has no value. Default: false.

  • DirectiveSpec (object): Configuration to define parsing rules for a single directive.

    • argument (boolean): If True, the directive accepts an argument. Default: false.

    • content (boolean): If True, the directive accepts content. Default: false.

    • content_required (boolean): If True, a warning will be logged if the directive contains no content. Default: false.

    • description (string): A short, human readable description of the directive. Default: "".

    • extension (string): The extension that provides the directive, if any. Default: "".

    • named_options (object): A map of named options to specifications. Can contain additional properties. Default: {}.

    • options (boolean): If True, the directive accepts options. Default: false.

    • parse_content (boolean): If True, the directive content is parsed. Default: false.

  • ExternalSource (object): External source to load needs from.

    • Any of

      • object

        • json_path (string, required): Local path to a JSON file.

      • object

        • json_url (string, format: uri, required): Remote URL to a JSON file.

    • base_url ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The base URL for references to the external source. Default: null.

    • css_class ([‘string’, ‘null’]): Add a CSS class to URL references. Default: null.

    • id_prefix ([‘string’, ‘null’]): Prefix all IDs from the external source with this string (note will be uppercased). Default: null.

    • skip_in_ubcode (boolean): Skip this source when loading needs in ubcode. Default: false.

    • target_url ([‘string’, ‘null’]): A Jinja template for the URL of references to the external source, relative to base_url. Default: null.

    • version ([‘string’, ‘null’]): Override current_version from loaded JSON. Default: null.

  • ExtraOption (object): Extra option for needs.

    • description (string): The description of the option. Default: "".

    • name (string, required): The name of the option.

  • ExtraOptionsDefinition

  • GlobPattern (string)

  • NeedLink (object): Defines a link between needs.

    • allow_dead_links (boolean): Do not warn if a link connects to an unknown need ID. Default: false.

    • color (string): The default color to use in diagrams. Default: "#000000".

    • copy (boolean): Copy to common links field. Default: false.

    • incoming (string, required): The incoming link title.

    • option (string, required): The name of the link type.

    • outgoing (string, required): The outgoing link title.

    • style (string): The default style to use in diagrams. Default: "solid".

    • style_end (string): The default end style to use in diagrams. Default: ">".

    • style_part (string): The default style to use in diagrams for part links. Default: "dotted".

    • style_start (string): The default start style to use in diagrams. Default: "-".

  • NeedType (object): Defines a need type.

    • color (string): The default color to use in diagrams. Default: "#000000".

    • directive (string, required): The directive name.

    • prefix (string, required): The prefix to use for auto-generated need IDs.

    • style (string): The default style to use in diagrams. Default: "node".

    • title (string, required): A human readable title.

  • NeedsConfig (object): Needs configuration.

    • external_needs (array): External sources to load needs from. Default: [].

    • extra_links (array): Links between needs. Default: [].

    • extra_options (array): Extra options for needs. Default: [].

    • id_from_title (boolean): Base auto-generated IDs on the title. Default: false.

    • id_length (integer, format: uint): The length of the auto-generated ID. Minimum: 0.0. Default: 5.

    • id_regex (string): Validate IDs with a regex. Default: "^[A-Z0-9_]{5,}".

    • id_required (boolean): If True, an ID is required. Default: false.

    • import_keys (object): Mapping of keys that can be used as needimport arguments and replaced by the values. Can contain additional properties. Default: {}.

      • Additional properties (string)

    • statuses (array): If given, only the defined statuses are allowed. Default: [].

    • tags (array): If given, only the defined tags are allowed. Default: [].

    • title_from_content (boolean): Base auto-generated titles on the content. Default: false.

    • title_optional (boolean): If True, a title is optional. Default: false.

    • types (array): The types of need items. Default: [{"color": "#BFD8D2", "directive": "req", "prefix": "R_", "style": "node", "title": "Requirement"}, {"color": "#FEDCD2", "directive": "spec", "prefix": "S_", "style": "node", "title": "Specification"}, {"color": "#DF744A", "directive": "impl", "prefix": "I_", "style": "node", "title": "Implementation"}, {"color": "#DCB239", "directive": "test", "prefix": "T_", "style": "node", "title": "Test Case"}].

  • NeedsJsonConfig (object): Define a needs.json index to display.

    • path (string, required): The path to the JSON file containing the needs data.

    • src ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The path to the source directory, used to resolve docnames to file paths. Default: null.

  • ParseConfig (object): Shared configuration for parsing.

    • extend_directives (object): A map of directive names to extend the directives with. Can contain additional properties. Default: {}.

    • extend_roles (object): A map of role names to extend the roles with. Can contain additional properties. Default: {}.

    • ignore_directives (array): A set of directive names that will not emit a warning if they are unknown. Default: [].

      • Items (string)

  • ProjectConfig (object): Configuration for the project.

    • description (string): A description of the project. Default: "".

    • name (string): The name of the project. Default: "".

    • srcdir (string): A directory, used for resolving paths in certain directives (defaults to config directory). Default: "".

    • version (string): The version of the project. Default: "".

  • RoleSpec (object): Configuration to define a single role.

    • description (string): A short, human readable description of the role. Default: "".

    • extension ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The extension that provides the role, if any. Default: null.

  • RstLintConfig (object): Lint configuration.

    • ignore (array): A list of linting codes to ignore. Default: [].

      • Items (string)

  • ScriptConfig

  • ScriptConfigChain (object): A chain of scripts to run. Cannot contain additional properties.

    • chain (array, required): A list of keys of scripts to chain together.

      • Items (string)

    • terminal ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The terminal name to use to run the command (defaults to script key). Default: null.

  • ScriptConfigCmd (object): A command to run as a script. Cannot contain additional properties.

    • cmd (string, required): The command to run.

    • env (object): A map of environment variables to set when running the command. Can contain additional properties. Default: {}.

      • Additional properties (string)

    • jinja (boolean): If True, the command is a Jinja template. Default: true.

    • terminal ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The terminal name to use to run the command (defaults to script key). Default: null.

  • SourceConfig (object): Configuration for the source file discovery.

    • exclude (array): A list of glob patterns to exclude from the search. Default: [".bzr", ".direnv", ".eggs", ".git", ".git-rewrite", ".hg", ".svn", ".venv", ".vscode", "_build", "build", "dist", "node_modules", "site-packages"].

    • extend_exclude (array): A list of glob patterns to extend the exclude list with. Default: [].

    • extend_include (array): A list of glob patterns to extend the include list with. Default: [].

    • include (array): A list of glob patterns to include in the search. Default: ["*.rst"].

    • respect_gitignore (boolean): Default: true.